EERA and Networks
European Educational Research Association (EERA)
EERA was founded in 1994 as a result of discussions among many national educational research associations and several major research institutes throughout Europe, which identified the need for a European association which could foster the exchange of ideas amongst European researchers, promote collaboration in research, improve research qualitiy and to be able to offer independent advice on educational research to European policy- makers, administrators and practitioners.
EERA Membership Associations
As EERA is an association of national educational research associations, only national associations can become a member of EERA and, as a result of that, EERA is carried by representatives of national associations. The advantages of EERA are restricted to these national associations and their members.
Therefore, if you are member of a national association which is a member of EERA (see the list below), you can claim the lower fee for the annual conference, the ECER. In addition, attending the ECER will provide you with free access to the European Educational Research Journal, the quarterly scientific journal of EERA, for the following year.
Delegates can only claim the reduced "Member" fee for the conference if their Association has paid its membership subscription to EERA for the preceding year.
For 2009, EERA’s national association members are:
- Austria (ÖFEB)
- Belgium (VFO and ABCE)
- Czech Republik (CAPV)
- Denmark (NERA)
- Estonia (EAER)
- Finland (FERA and NERA)
- France (AECSE)
- Germany (DGfE)
- Iceland (NERA)
- Ireland (ESAI)
- Italy (SIPED)
- Lithuania (LERA)
- Netherlands (VOR)
- Norway (NERA)
- Poland (PTP)
- Portugal (SPCE)
- Slovakia (SERS)
- Spain (AIDIPE and SEP)
- Sweden (NERA)
- Switzerland (SSRE)
- Turkey (EAB and TEASA)
- United Kingdom (BERA and SERA)
- Due to a mutual agreement with EERA and the Australian Association for Research in Education, members of AARE are also eligible to claim the reduced "Member's" fee for the ECER conference.
EERA Networks
EERA networks provide a forum for collaboration and the exchange of ideas between educational researchers.
The current EERA networks are as follows: (Follow the links for a brief description of each Network and the Convenors' names and e-mail addresses.)
- Economics of Education (Network now closed)
- Comparative Education (Network now closed)
- Didactics - Learning and Teaching